WWII Final - Study Guide (Click Here)
1/19/17 (Thu) - The Holocaust
Virtual Tour of Auschwitz
Click on the image below to access the tour.
1/17/17 (Tue) - The Allied Invasion of Europe
Today we'll begin to look at the invasion of Europe once the United States joins in the war. We'll try and understand why the original plan was to invade through Italy, and how the eventual invasion of Normandy was planned and executed.
PowerPoint: The Changing Tides
1/10/17 (Tue) - The Shaping of a Radical
Today we'll take a new approach to understanding the rise of radicals by looking into the life experiences and personality characteristics that shaped these men. What would drive someone to make the decisions these men made during their rule, costing the lives of countless millions? We may never be able to come up with a satisfactory answer to that question, but as historians, we want to look for and identify any trends we can find.
Research Links: Use the links below to answer the questions in your packet.
- Rise of Radicals Research Packet
1/9/17 (Mon) - A Slow March to War
Today we'll analyze the slow progression toward war in 1939. This is different from the way we charectorize the "powder keg" event of WWI. We'll try and identify the incremental steps toward war that Hitler took over several year, and the rational that the western powers used to justify allowing him to get away with it.
PowerPoint: A Slow March to War
- Annotation: Hitler Assumes Power (Additional Practice)
- A Slow March to War Timeline
- Apocalypse WWII Documentary
1/6/17 (Fri) - The Rise of Radicals (Continued)
Today we'll continue to look at the rise of Hitler. We'll begin to practice the skill of anotation and responding to a question with a claim.
- Annotation: Hitler Assumes Power
- Annotation Response Questions
- Apocalypse WWII Documentary
1/5/17 (Thu) - The Rise of Radicals
Today we'll begin to look at the rise of Adolf Hitler, from obscurity to absolute political power in Germany. Try and identify some similarities between Hitler and Mussolini.
PowerPoint: Rise of Radicals
- Opening Question
- Rise of Radicals Notes
- Apocalypse WWII Documentary
Work on Cornell notes and Section 3 Assessment on pages 476 - 480 (Due Friday)
1/4/17 (Wed) - The Weimar Republic and Hyperinflation
Following WWI, Germany sank slowly and painfully into a deep economic depression. This depression and the suffering it brought, called into question the validity of the new and fragile democratic government. This economic suffering also became fertile ground for the growth of a new radical political group, the Nazis. We'll also start take look atat our first dictator to rise to power in Europe during this time, Benito Mussolini.
PowerPoint: Rise of Radicals
- Lecture Notes: The Weimar Republic
- Video: Benito Mussolini
Work on Cornell notes and Section 3 Assessment on pages 476 - 480 (Due Friday)
1/3/17 (Tue) - The Rise of Radicals
This week we'll be discussing the rise of several key "radical" political figures (Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, and Adolf Hitler) following the devestation of WWI. We'll try and answer the following questions, 1). What if a political radical, 2). What conditions allowed these political radicals to rise to power, and 3). Where might these same conditions exist today?
PowerPoint: Rise of Radicals
- Warm Up Discussion: Evaluate the following statement... "Sometimes you have to pick the gun up to put the gun down." - Malcom Little (aka, Malcom X)
- Rise of Radicals Power Point
- Apocalypse WWII Documentary (first 15 min)
- Website introduction
Cornell Notes on pages 476 - 480
Section 3 Assessment (p. 480) : Questions 1 - 9
Cornell Notes on pages 476 - 480
Section 3 Assessment (p. 480) : Questions 1 - 9
Research Links -
Adolf Hitler
Joseph Stalin
Benito Mussolini
The Rise of a Dictator Timeline Project
Virtual Tour Tutorial
Apocalypse WWII - Shock
Graphic content warning: The following documentary contains some graphic content.